The outbreak yesterday (31.03.2024) in his studio at the Academy caused damage to the vestry, as the designer himself revealed. It all happened during a photo shoot, possible from a candle. The fire broke out in a studio space, destroying him. “Our “thesaurus” was burned with Pericles Kondylatos,” Vasilis Zoulias said in statements on the Tlive show with Tatiana Stefanidou. “We had a planned photo shoot where there were 20 people on site and this was done. It’s in the hands of the police and the fire department. We’ve got the 350 square meters, which is the studio, burned at 50. One could say our vault with Pericles Kondylatos because there were the things we loved most,” said Vassilis Julias. Earlier, Vassilis Zoulias along with Pericles Kondylatos, had spoken on the Fay’s Time show about the fire at the studio and reported on the damage caused. “The studio was not burned, a part of it caught fire. Two rooms of the studio were burned. Our vestry burned with all the work of 15 years, what Pericles and I had done together. We weren’t in. There was a photo shoot and there was a mistake. I wasn’t here. When I arrived, it was already extinguished. The important thing is that no one was injured,” the fashion designer stressed. “The value is incalculable because we are not talking about duves, we are talking about 15-year-olds of high sewing,” Pericles Kondylatos in turn said.
Vassilis Julias: Our “treasure” burned, things we loved very much.
in Lifestyle