Intubated for the fourth day remains the after. “Doctors said we should have great patience, it needs time,” said the wife of the popular singer on Live News and Nikos Evangelatos. Dimitris Kokotas battles daily for his life after the heart attack he suffered, with his wife, Katerina Petrakis, on his side from the first moment. Her agony peaks as the days pass and awaits a good news. “Doctors told us it was a difficult case, we must have great patience it takes time. We are not told details and I find it reasonable,” said the singer’s wife. On Monday (01.04.2024), doctors would try to intubate Dimitris Kokotas after four 24 hours in the Intensive Care Unit. “He has a strong organization this is the information we just have that it will take a lot of time and the part about waking him up, that he will become very slow and not yet that we know right now that we are talking because the data can change from time to time and I wish if anything changes to be for the best.” Dimitris Kokotas felt sick last Thursday afternoon 28 March, in his rehearsals for “Just the 2 of us”. Suddenly he collapsed in front of his associates, without having previously felt something to worry him about. “He had no issue, no annoyance, no evidence of fatigue, or to be in the mood, as far as temperature is concerned, let’s say cold or warm at times that are not justified. 01.50 Since morning gymnastics, rehearsal, he left directly for JUST and this, nothing else,” his wife said. 8 minutes left without a heartbeat For 8 whole minutes the well-known singer was left without a heartbeat in the ambulance during his transfer to “Genomema”. Rescuers managed to bring him back to life and intubate immediately. “Doctors tell us that his body, his weights his body, help. A healthy organism, certainly can cope more easily but there are always unstable factors, that’s what they tell us.” His family and close associates wait for news of his health every day in hopes of a good development. “It’s a big shock. I’ve said it a thousand times, I can’t believe it yet and realize we’re talking about Dimitris right now. Doctors are cautiously optimistic. She wants calm, she really wants strength,” Katerina Petrakis noted. His wife prays for him waiting to speak to him again and return home quickly. According to the latest information, there are signs of improvement and his health condition is critical but stable. Dimitris Kokotas’ wife on Live News “I keep my optimism, especially now I need it. I just hope he comes home and goes through this bad dream. It happened to us, as it did to so many people. He was careful with his health, but he’s not obsessed. When he felt something he did not neglect.” Watch Live News’ story with Nikos Evangelatos:
Dimitris Kokotas: Doctors will try to drain him – “Bad Dream” says singer’s wife
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