Spiegel: THE MIT asks for the support of the German Information Service

According to a document, which is in the possession of the German magazine Spiegel, the Turkish Secret Service MIT (Istihbarat Teskilati) has asked all the relevant…
German institutions and the German federal Intelligence Service (ΒΝD) to contribute to the research against supporters of the Γκιουλέν in Germany and deported to Turkey.
According to the MIT, many supporters of the Γκιουλέν have fled abroad.
The Turkish president Ερντογαν is now trying to win Germany to the harsh tactics against the community Γκιουλέν, as reported by the Spiegel, in an article that will be published in the printed version. The Turkish government has requested a survey to forty people and has made a request to be deported to Turkey three, after the coup attempt.
The envoy of the Turkish government to the embassy of Berlin, Ουφούκ Γκεζέρ, has repeatedly shock for the Γκιουλέν in the German ministry of Foreign affairs. Also, Turkish diplomats have been sent to eleven local governments of federal states to seek a common response. However, all rejected the Turkish request to be put under surveillance by the community Γκιουλέν from the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

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