Roger Federer spoke of Stefano Chichipa at the Oscars: “I’d like to see him go to the next level”

He gave the “present” at the awards Oscar and spoke to Cosmote TV about him! A few hours after his presence at Golden State Warriors practice, Roger Federer was found on the Oscars’… red carpet. The Swiss was invited to the award of the awards and – before its start – refers among others to Stefano Chichipa. “I still like it and still watch tennis,” Roger Federer told George Satsidis, who retired from the stadiums in 2022. “I also play, a few months ago we booked a field with my wife for the first time. It’s a wonderful sport and my four kids are playing too. Of course Chichipas is doing very well and I hope he does amazingly this year and has a landmark year,” he said. And he added for the Greek champion: “I have lost to Chichipa twice and I think he is a very good player. I would like to see him go to the next stage and wish him well.”