Cartoon director, Hayao Miyazaki, managed to win his first prize with his last career film “The Boy and the Love”. At the age of 83, the Japanese director of the well-known Studio Ghibli, acquired his first gold statuette. His film, “the boy and the love” won in the category “Best Film of Cartoons”. Miyazaki had stated that this would be the last film released with his signature, making thousands of fans express their regrets on social media. It is a legend of animation, having on its list huge film masterpieces such as Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, Howl’s Moving Castle and others. The Oscar award was received by Hayao Miyazaki’s partner, Kiyofumi Nakajima. The Oscar film “The boy an the hero”, follows a young boy, Mahito, who lost his mother little, attempts to go to a world where alive and dead coexist. In that world death ends and life finds a new beginning. Mahito’s guide on this journey is a creature, half love and half man, which pervades the limits of lie and truth. The boy in the new world makes new friends, finds his mother again – and meets the world’s creator.
Oscar Awards: Hayao Miyazaki’s last film gave him his first statuette
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