Ionian Road: it solves the problem of expropriation

A few months prior to the scheduled operation of the “Ionian Road” and the expropriations is still present. According to a member of the…
SYRIZA Giannis Stefos the expropriations relating to the 6% of the project.
The strike of the lawyers has contributed to this and, indeed, while several of the cases came to be heard. The concessionaire to cope with this problem, with time running out, decided on a radical solution.
According to very well informed sources of the the solution is … the rent. In order that there is not another delay, the Greek resourceful thought he found the interim solution, to renting the expropriation of properties required for the final solution in the courts.
That solves the hands of the manufacturers and extra work doesn’t add up. In this way it is expected to complete the project and there are still rental property if they have not taken a final decision from the local courts. The properties that we don’t have a solution is an area of 500 meters in Menidi and 150 meters in Ammotopos.
Otherwise, the project runs and the delivery of the department’s Smart-Amfilochia seem to be locks for the next time. This will be decided between the Ministry of-Concessionaire other looks like it won’t be long further.
On 28 June “lock” the formal opening of the Tunnel Κλόκοβας length of 2,9 km, in the presence of the manufacturer, policies, local self-government, journalists. It will be essentially a pre-celebration for the start of the process of performance parts.
In the recent video published by the company, the progress is more than evident if we exclude the northern end of the Continent to the rest of the project goes full steam ahead for completion. According to the data given by the “New Street” the progress percentage went up to 77% at the end of May with employees to reach their 2.116 and the project moving 1.530 machinery and trucks.