End of an era in classical measurement of blood sugar with the jab of a finger

The end of an era in the measurement of the sugar in the classic way, i.e. with a tapping of a finger brings you to the flash technology, and the…
a revolutionary glucose monitoring system Free Style Libre Abbott, that scans a sensor over on the arm, even when the diabetic patient is sleeping, light-hearted!
As explains mr. John Ντούπης, specialist pathologist-διαβητολόγος, while in the field of diabetes we have so many drugs and so many gadgets, from one million of Greek patients, συντρηπτικό 78% remains off-target and 50% is unregulated, so it is facing the risk of complications. “The mortality, morbidity and 80% of health spending in diabetes are due to complications, which could be avoided with the correct setting of the sugar. However, patients do not regularly measure their blood sugar and the results of the measurements are a ball in a layout that makes no sense and does not give clear findings. At the same time, the fear of hypoglycemia overwhelms patients and oppresses their lives,” explains mr. Ντούπης.
And he adds: “Surveys show that the fatal crash of the legendary pilot of Formula 1 Ayrton You possibly was due to loss of control of the vehicle because of hypoglycaemic crisis, as well as the You suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes. If the blood sugar control was better, maybe the accident wouldn’t have happened. The new monitoring system, Free Style Libre offers security and helps us to get rid of the αυτομέτρηση as he says the expert. The sensor is placed on the arm, and the device that scans the sensor measures the blood sugar at the time that the diabetic child for example sleeping without the need of his parents to wake up.

As explains the president of the young diabetics in Greece, Roula Λάγιου, in a house with a diabetic child’s parents, until now, slept in shifts, in order to wake up every now and themselves and the child to make sure that your blood sugar will not fall to low and it won’t happen hypoglycaemia!