You like the stick? After that, maybe not the next meal will come…

The souvlaki favorite food of the Greeks and…
tourists it is well known that not known
for the few calories.The reasons for the great caloric value and
the possible harmful effects on health, are many, mainly the fat and oil (usually palm oil).
The nutritionists since they added the calories to the materials contained on a skewer, found that it is a caloric bomb! The reason, according to experts, is that the roasters in the souvlaki wrapped in pita generous doses of fat making economy in quality with the aim to increase their revenue.
The result is to create a huge caloric gap from skewer to skewer, since the starting value does not exceed 300 calories but you can “eject” and on 710.
“This is what happens when we fill the dipped in the oil pie, with potatoes, round, and sauce – rich sources of fat. One has only to consider that in 15 grams of fat – as much as fits in a spoon – correspond to 135 calories”
More specifically, the pie that absorbs the oil during the baking has about one tablespoon of fat. Similarly, the large quantities of sauce and potatoes elevate the overall quantity of fat that one consumes, with only one skewer in the three tablespoons. “What that means is that it immediately “loading” the body with about 400 calories extra”.
The amount of fat in the meat will contain a pie souvlaki always depends on the restaurateur, as stressed by the experts.
“Many use a small piece of fat for hot straw. Others again use more. Generally, however, as more fat is used as most advantageous and economical solution is for the roasters. But not for consumers who in this case looking at the calories to hit… red” unfortunately the consumer can’t control how fatty is the meat of the serve.
This, however, does not mean that the lovers “pie with everything” they can not order a more light version. “What we recommend is chicken instead of red meat – or is that pork or minced meat as it has fewer calories and less amount of fat. At the same time, however, completely avoiding the fries and the various sauces and choosing a pie baked in the coals, reducing significantly the intake of extra calories”.
A series of studies, moreover, have shown that red meat significantly burden the organization. “American researchers tracked the health of 500 thousand citizens for eight years, taking into account their eating habits. What they found is that the over-consumption of red meat increases from 30% to 60% the risk of developing cancer”.
Nutritional thorn is in accordance with the specialists, the oil used in fast-food restaurants, therefore, and souvlaki, which is rarely olive oil. Palm oil, one of the most common choices of the entrepreneurs because of the low-cost, contains 80% saturated -that is “bad”- fat.
Respectively, the consumption of place has been associated after investigations with the emergence of chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease”.
It does not, however, matter only what kind of oil they use in the grill restaurants and how many times they change -mainly in the frying – as well as the frequent use of used oil increases the risk of presenting consumers serious damage to the body.