Why you shouldn’t sleep with the mobile next to the bed

What showed the results of a new study…
It has been reported many times that we should not use electronic devices just before bedtime.
Ongoing research confirms that while the study focused on the relationship of the use of a mobile phone, and you sleep at night, found the way to the alter, preventing the person to rest.
More specifically, a group of people was exposed to radiation equal to that received when using a mobile phone, while another group was placed in identical conditions, but with a false report. The result of the study showed that those who were exposed to real radiation took longer to enter the first of the deeper stages of sleep and when this happened I finally stayed less time in the deepest stage of hypnosis.
In addition, the radiation disrupts the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls the internal rhythms of the body. Another conclusion reached by the researchers is that the radiation from the mobile device is framed for insomnia, headaches and confusion, and prevents the body to αυτοανανεωθεί.