SHOCK – Because today, 29th September 2016 this is the last time that Greece celebrates the day of coffee?

The 29th September is celebrated as the world day of coffee, perhaps the most widespread of the cheap enjoyment of the modern world. Cheap again? You will probably need to recall the characterization…
This year is the last year that the coffee is treated as a cheap treat. The expected -and voted – imposition of consumption tax comes to change everything we knew until today for the price of his beloved custom. A look at the basic story of the largest newspaper and web site is sufficient to record the new reality.
The increase in the price of a kilo of coffee is expected to reach up to 4 euros per kilo. In percentage terms, the most moderate approaches to elevate the price by 25%. In the case of Greek coffee, however, this increase will reach or surpass the levels of 35%.
People in the market, such as the καφεκόπτες react a long time strongly, pointing out the consequences of enforcement of the new tax both in their businesses, and consumers alike. For sudden death spoke in a recent interview in the newpost, the president of the association of Constantine Καλαφατάς.
Institutions related to small and medium-sized businesses have already identified the risk. Typical was the statement by the president of KEDE George Πατούλη, when it was reported in the incidence of the tax on local communities and their respective small and medium-sized enterprises: “The Greek economy and the Greek entrepreneurship has reached its limits. Can’t stand another tax. I read reports on sites and newspapers, which referred to the possibility of a new tax on coffee. Common sense says that if something like this happens two things to happen. Or will be passed on the increase to the consumer or will occur “secret agreement” between the owners of a coffee shop and a customer for non-issuance of receipts,” said in a recent interview.
And searching for on the internet publications, some seems to have done a very simple calculation. A new employee of the… of 400 euros, the coffee of the day will be charged an extra month’s salary a year! In the beginning, seemed to us to be excessive. Until we do the calculation.
September 29, the world day of coffee.. Easily, one realizes why this year’s celebration is expected to be the last in Greece!