Why in some countries the steering wheel of the car is the right?

All of us have used the wheel from the left side of the car and it seems to us strange when in some countries they got it right. And whenever we go to these countries seems to us strange and laugh or walk on us…
But why is this happening? Where is the roots of this…oddity?
In some countries, such as, for example, in Cyprus and England, they drive on the left lane of the road and the steering wheel is located to the right of the car.
Learn and cultivate the driving perception-driven this situation. How would you feel if you found out that the whole thing has its roots long before created even the idea of the camera of internal combustion is?
And, of course, we’re talking about the period of the middle Ages! We move inside the body of a typical knight, who in vast majority trained in the sword by holding it with your right hand. So it stays “empty” and handy for the shield, the left! So we’re taking the guns and equipment, ride the proud horse and we’re off to slay the dragon that is holding hostage the good girl!
On the opposite side of the street, however, is not the word with another knight. So having the shield on our left hand to make sure we have good defense, since we don’t know who, if it is an enemy or an ally!
So shielding from the rear and with the hand on the hilt of the sword, the pass from the right by facing the shield!
Nice with this situation. But what about Cyprus and England? Why they drive as they say in Greece, “upside down” (left instead of right); With a unglazed fighters?
If you notice, on the other side of the road (left) leading to island countries, and the steering wheel is on the right. Cyprus, Great Britain, Australia, Japan… Here comes into play the navigation!
Since the only way of communication of these countries with the rest of the world was the sea and the boats.
So when two ships crossed, they took care of the captains to pass through the left side, from where they could and controlled it (it was so made) the distances between the keels!
And yet, two different reasons for something so common and obvious!
So adopted that and in cars – steering wheels, the streets and lanes of driving. For these reasons, in some parts of the world the wheel of the car is right and drive in the left lanes, while in some other it becomes the reverse.
And finally it seems that all we are driving backwards.