What food combinations block the metabolism?

The situation is that some combinations of feed block… metabolism and make it difficult to process the loss of unnecessary pounds? Who are these combinations?
Today, we know that every theory, combinations of foods, is non-existent because most of the foods that we consume as such relate to combinations of nutrients. For example, rice or pasta are considered to be energy-providing carbohydrate foods, involving amounts of protein, albeit small. So, and “plain” pasta for dinner, we still get carbs and protein together…Also claims that “puzzling” foods that require different enzymes to αποικοδομηθούν, we change the acidic PH of the stomach or the alkaline PH of the small intestine is also completely absurd, since the human physiology teaches, that our body has very precise mechanisms to regulate the acid-base balance, regardless of the type of food it consumes.