Unbelievable fight in a pub where 100 people were in the hands of

An incredible…
a fight among more than 100 people broke out in a pub in Britain.
Dozens of people were caught in the hands of the last Saturday, by the time the music was still playing. The ending was not a man to be wounded in the head by a glass bottle and transported to the hospital, while a police officer allegedly hit in the face, without, however, seriously injured.
The 22-year-old Nick Smith, who was at that time in the pub, he was out with his friends when he found himself suddenly in the middle of the noise and he took a beating. “I went to get a drink and the next minute I turned around and I took a bottle to the head. I came out of the pub with the blood running from my head. Everyone was looking at me. I don’t remember much, to tell you the truth. My friends say that I lost my senses for 15 minutes”.
The local police reported that a man was arrested as a suspect for the start of the conflict, while another 21-year-old was charged with possession of a knife in a public place.