On the move was a 57-year-old last Saturday heading towards him when he flew through the car 2 packs with , in front of police officers who had set up a “block”. Police officers of the Narcotics Tower in “block” on the National Tower – Patras Street witnessed the unprecedented spectacle, where a 57-year-old man flew out of the passenger window 2 packs filled with 57.9 grams of cocaine. The police went on to arrest the 57-year-old perpetrator. In an investigation that followed up at his home arrested, police officers found and confiscated an electronic precision scale with cocaine residue, a dish and a plastic card with cocaine residue, as well as a cell phone. He will apologize today (01.04.2024) to the interviewer Ilias as he received a deadline yesterday to prepare his apology.
Tower: 57-year-old threw cocaine out his car window in front of police officers
in Local News