Thessaloniki: The 3.5-year-old girl who suffered a heart attack is transferred to Onassis

The agony of having a heart attack in Onassis is heightened. Doctors in Onassis have already been informed of the state of her health… At the Onassis Cardiosurgical Center, Athens, the 3.5-year-old girl is transferred from Thessaloniki, who on Friday 29 March suffered a heart attack and was transferred to a critical condition at the hospital “Happocrates”. As broadcast by the main newscast of ANT1, the treating physicians from Hippocrates contacted their colleagues in Onassis from the first moment for the transfer of the girl, however, they had to wait for her health condition to stabilise in order to enable the transfer to begin. According to ANT1, on Saturday afternoon the little girl was taken by ambulance from Hippokratia to the airport “Macedonia” and from there, the little girl will be transported by plane to Onassis in order to have more specialized surveillance. For the transfer of the girl from Hippokratia to the airport a rescue bridge was set up by ELAS, with police officers of the “Z” team escorting the ambulance all the way.