The perpetrators were targeting parked cars in, mostly in a shopping garage… Trials against 10 people were formed after the investigation, by police officers, 12 cases of theft by vehicles in the wider area of Pylaia – Hortiatis. In particular, case-files were formed against nine Greeks, aged between 17 and 47 years and 34 years of age abroad, for 12 cases of theft (completed and attempted) by J.E. cars, mostly in shopping lots and a case of shoplifting. The thefts took place during the period from late May 2022 to early December 2023. A total amount of 4,000 euros was deducted, bank cards, personal documents and items worth around 9,000 euros. The relevant documents will be submitted to the competent prosecutor.
Thessaloniki: Courts against 10 persons for car theft in the municipality Pilia – Chortiati
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