Thessaloniki: 10-year prison to 69-year-old who sexually abused 38-year-old disabled

10-year imprisonment imposed the Mixed Jury Court on 69-year-old for 38-year-old with mental problems. The court found the 69-year-old from Thessaloniki guilty of abuse of an incapacitated resistance to a sexual act, continuously, without acclaiming him as an extenuator, while after the verdict on sexual abuse he returned to prison. The case took place in an area of the municipality of Oreokastro and began to be investigated in February 2023, following a complaint made by the mother of 38 years old. What she reported confirmed and her daughter was considered in the presence of a psychologist. In his apology, the 69-year-old described the complaint as false, which he attributed to the troubled relations he – as he said – has with residents of the region. He claimed that the ultimate goal is to hurt him personally.