The lost severity of mr Σρόϊτερ…

Written by John D. Πρεβενιός
After the many tv commercials trailer of the ALPHA I decided to see the show…
the journalist, mr. in Addition to the well-known in the imagination multi-millionaire and a future “savior” of us all, mr. Σώρρα. Really I was speechless of the level both in verbal but also in terms of substance.
Looking back, though, out of curiosity how low can they go I’ve had enough of this video parody until the end realizing after how far he’s fallen to the reputation of my mr. Σρόιντερ which does not hide the fact that up to now would very much appreciate it.
True, mr. Σρόιντερ from the moment that this appalling broadcast was pre-recorded, why transmit it?
Maybe from now on I have to classify the group of μεγαλοδημοσιογράφων that a long time ago does not exercise the functions of the for the sake of πλουραρισμού and information, but for the benefit of outside controlling us and domestic submissive?
Shame on all of you from the news and the shows it is often dense with events and people graphics, stupid but possible wingmen in the system.
Wingmen and φαιδρών persons which is being promoted deliberately in the last few years in order to make the audience stop to separate truth from lie, good from evil, moral from immoral.
Of course, with all the things that show us and tell us to do the actual Bins that rule us for years to look Capable, Serious and especially the most Suitable!