The alternative pancake day of the vegan and vegetarian in Thessaloniki

Skewers of tofu with vegetables, faggot of beans and a pie with a round of soy, is just a few…
from the “alternative” dishes gras ball, for the vegans and vegetarians, who want to celebrate in Thessaloniki, greece.
For the needs of vegetarian consumers in some shops in the city, the shopkeepers have developed special menus that meet their demands, while in a restaurant that is located in the center of Thessaloniki, four main dishes -a “temptation”, and for the meat eaters – expect vegans and vegetarians to celebrate mardi Gras.
The price of the main dishes are affordable (the most expensive is not more than 7,5 euro), tells ana-MPA Paul Κατικαρίδης, one of the two owners of the shop and adds that the average spend of each person is not over – as, indeed, and the rest of the days – the 14 to 15 euros.
The food in the restaurant, which for 2.5 years has made the “look” of the downtown, attract and consumers who are not vegetarians, says mr. Κατικαρίδης.
“Come and people who eat meat, to try something alternative, to eat something different,” he says.
The question if, ultimately, the fact that the restaurant “aims” primarily to one group of consumers, reduces income and hence the development of the store, answering in the negative, saying that the store registers steady growth.
Of course, from the culinary paradise of Thessaloniki could be missing and the falafel, the popular oriental food, whose taste can satisfy the most demanding palates.
The falafel, meat balls from pulses and vegetables, is one of the most tempting tastes of vegetarian and non-in Thessaloniki, greece.
It is certain, according to what is stressed by the owners of such store, that all those who try falafel, it’s not going to regret it.
Source: ana – MPA