THAT the town of Greece is a Champion in the use of drugs…

Leading city in Central Europe in drug use evidenced the…
Thessaloniki, following a survey conducted by the graduate student, Sophia Βελούτσου, in the context of the diploma thesis in Environmental Chemistry.
In accordance with the measurements made in the liquid effluent arriving at the entrance of the processing unit of EYATH in the Sindo shows that taken by 18.2-43.0 doses of cannabis per 1000 inhabitants daily. Respectively in Milan, Italy, with a population of 1.5 ec residents these doses per day per 1000 residents is 24, while in Catalonia, Spain, with two million population reach 27.
Something similar happens in the use of heroin, where the doses in Thessaloniki is 2.9-5.5 per 1000 inhabitants, while in Milan 2.3 and in Catalonia 4.6.
Impressive is the use of strong antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs which shows that the entries of the city are telltale clues.
It is worth σημειωθέι that the substances don’t end up on the ground, in vegetables grown and consumed because then the situation will be particularly complicated. However, in the surface waters of large cities of Western and Central Europe have at times detected medicinal substances such as steroids and antibiotics that affect the metabolism of organisms.
See graphs of the research: