6 Signs – Bells indicating that you do NOT drink as much Water as you need, and you’re Ruining your Health – a Great deal of Attention in the 4th!

As we all know, life without water our planet would be impossible…
Water is the most precious element of nature, that need all organisms to live. When we feel thirst, there is nothing απολαυστικότερο from a cool glass of water.
While we always hear, that it is advisable to consume 8 glasses of water a day, no one manages to do it. In fact, the majority of people is unable to drink this amount of water a day, which brings a negative impact. When we don’t consume the water we need, the body and our health are at risk. We become moody, feel tired and without energy, while also the face look more dull and worn.
Many believe that the secret of youth is proper hydration. Moisture is the essence of beauty. Anyone who wants to feel and look good, you need to consume plenty of water.
When we’re busy and forget to drink water during the day, we are in danger of dehydration. For this reason, you have to acknowledge before we bring other problems. Below, recorded 6 marks if show, means that we are dehydrated and we need to start drinking more water.
1. Bad breath
If the breath smells, then this is a sign that we need to drink more water. The water helps to wash the bacteria that they leave the food. It also stimulates the production of saliva, which naturally has antibacterial properties and prevents the overgrowth of bacteria. When our mouth is dry, breath smells.
2. The urine has a dark yellow color
This is the most clear indication that the body is dehydrated. When the urine are dark yellow or brown in color, it means that it is very dense, for lack of water. Also, the kidneys work overtime to eliminate the waste.
3. Frequent breaks to the bathroom
If you are not urinating at least six to 8 times a day, then it is likely not to drink enough water.
4. Dry mouth
When we feel our mouth dry, need to drink water! We tend to ignore the dry mouth, until you feel completely uncomfortable or just unbearably.
5. Craving for sweets
Our brain reacts to thirst and hunger in a similar way, to the extent that we can’t discern the difference between the two. When we are dehydrated, you will often tempted to eat a snack because we have doubt as to whether we’re thirsty or hungry. Usually we eat a sugary snack, which can lead to an increase in the body weight over time. Instead of food, we should drink a glass of water and wait for fifteen minutes. If we’re still hungry, then eat something.
6. Feeling of fatigue
The low energy and the feeling of fatigue is a direct indicator of dehydration. The body, it takes water from the blood when it is needed. The lack of water, leads to a reduced volume of blood and lack of oxygen that is pumped through our systems. This, in turn, leads to drowsiness and reduced energy.
In addition to the above, there are other symptoms that indicate that we may be dehydrated. Such examples are, πονοκεφάλος, muscle cramps, joint pain, prolonged disease or illness, weight gain, dry skin and wrinkles, constipation, and many more.
So, we take care of all of us to remain daily well hydrated, drinking a lot of water!