Thanasis Θεοχαρόπουλος: continuous over-taxation provided for in the budget and opening on collective redundancies will lead to a social explosion

The president of DIMAR, and parliamentary spokesman of the Democratic Συμπαράταξης, Thanasis Θεοχαρόπουλος, speaking in VIMA fm, and reporters…
Emilio Περδικάρη and Donna Droutsas, stressed, inter alia:
For budget
– Additional measures taxes of 2.5 billion euro, of which 97% provides for an increase of revenue, i.e. direct and indirect taxes in the budget, and not savings for you to stop wasting πίρων as it should. It is not possible every time there is a hole, to get new taxes to cover.
– Dead-end policy, leading to a vicious cycle of recession and unemployment, and taxes on taxes. It’s not going to ever come out of the crisis, and the budget, beyond inefficient, it will be ανεκτέλεστος, why has not the world now, when you put taxes in the same and the same, you can’t collect. It leads to constant deepening of the crisis ,this situation if not changed will lead eventually to an explosion.
– Need to get it or everyone in the political system. With progressive reforms. It is possible to don’t there may be consultation in the political life of the country. Can’t get the country out of the crisis without an agreement in key policy areas (foreign policy, economic policy, education, rural development etc.)
For negotiation to work
– The work is unacceptable – what came to be known – the attitude of the Greek government in the negotiation, which has not rejected a clear opening on collective redundancies
– Protected in all the previous negotiations, and now there is no explicit assurance of the government that it will not open that door
– The collective dismissals will not solve any problems, but it will accumulate problems.
– The minister and the government has not put the collective redundancies in the non-negotiable positions, with the result that open for a new round of redundancies in large companies of the country.
– To stop very clearly the debate on the further deterioration of work relations
For public debt
– I rely on objective data and not on the illusions of the government. Signed up to the Eurogroup of 2016, the government is a decision for a short-term – medium-term process in relation to the debt which goes back to the issue , in relation to what had been agreed in 2012.
-Therefore, based on this framework has been accepted and has signed the Greek government will be extremely difficult to have a particularly positive fact.
– There may be some marginal adjustment to the debt, which will not bring a substantial footprint in the public debt, but if that happens, the government will make the white black, and will present it as a setting that will solve the problem.
– We have restructured the debt to become sustainable, but the main problem in the country is to move forward on reforms because of the debt and be adjusted, if you don’t adopt a healthy productive model, you will soon get to the same point.

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