New free online games for children with blindness from SciFY

The non-profit organization SciFY (Science For You – has completed and offers a free three educational and… recreational computer games for people with blindness. With the help of many friends and the active participation of dozens of supporters in the campaign is funding crowdfunding, the dream of so many children and special educators becomes a reality: “The Ark of Noah,” and two more educational music games help to fill the huge gap that exists in creating games for people with vision problems, achieving not only entertainment but also educational purposes. The games are available for free downloading from the site) on this link (
Description of the game
The games are based on the well-known game of memory (a Memory) in which the player tries among a bunch of upside-down cards to find pairs of identical cards. Only this time the game has been designed for the needs of blind children. So the cards are acoustic and the player searches for the same or corresponding sounds.
In “Noah’s Ark”, the player is transported sound in the world and searches for pairs of identical animals to feed.
In the musical games becomes a valuable assistant to a music show and learns about musical instruments. In the “Find the instrument” to the sounds of musical instruments with their name, while the “Find the category of musical instrument” learns what is percussion, what horns, and what strings.
Benefits of games
The benefits of toys are many. First of all, just the potential of children with vision problems to play, which is not always so obvious. The games Memor-i, specially designed, give alternative entertainment that until now there were.
At the same time, the educational value is significant: With these games, players practice memory, attention, perception and sharpen their ears, with very fun way. The investigation of the Greece – which is already publicly available on the site – has given clear results: the blind children of Primary and high School, they find a way to start familiarizing them with computers without fear, all while developing useful skills, enriching their knowledge.
At the same time the games serve the socialization of children, providing happy occasions for communication and by facilitating people-to-people contacts.
Although designed for children with blindness, the games are equally interesting, entertaining and educational and for all children!
Special design
The games emerged after a persistent search of the children and special educators for games of this type. The Greece was based on the experience in developing games for people with visual impairments and worked closely with end-users and experts for their development. So the sound, the way of handling the game, the gradual introduction of the player in the game, the introduction of a “friend-guide” in the game, it is all oriented to a single goal: to create games suitable for children with blindness.
Next steps
The Greece does not intend to stop here. Looking for resources to
● Create versions and in English, to exploit the games and outside the borders, as happened with the previous games for blind children that he created.
● Enable everyone to upload their own sounds, and create new games, which they can share in public.
● Give the possibility of playing someone over the internet with another player, which can be located on and off.
The music games (music game) implemented with the kind support of the Wind.

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