Suicidal tendencies…

Mep Nikos Androulakis for the British Referendum
In a few weeks a very important referendum is expected to take place in the United Kingdom for the eve, or not, of…
country in the European Union. Historically Britain has always had a cautious, and often contradictory, attitude towards the participation of the european institutions. From the time of the veto of President De Gaulle to the entrance of the country in what was then the EEC, and the “renegotiation” of mrs Thatcher, Britain was acting with the light of the famous saying of Groucho Marx that “I don’t want to be a member of a club that wants me as a member”.
Under normal circumstances, the “Brexit” would have to be logically unthinkable. The member states of the EU, the destination of around 50% of exports. Britain is the most important trading partner. Millions of Brits living and working in continental Europe, and the universities of the country are being flooded by european students. Even the famous “special relationship” with the united states that rely on often – thick British commentators, applies only to the extent that London can function as a bridge to other European capitals as highlighted by President Obama himself during his visit to the island a few days ago.
However, unfortunately, we live in ανορθολογικούς times. As in other cases in recent European history and the British referendum, views that until a few years ago regarded as marginal and eccentric have taken over the public dialogue. These days it’s not unusual to read someone’s alarmist analyses in the British press on compulsory change of the time (!) in order to be consistent with that of Brussels or join the army in the German administration.
From where stems this ανορθολογισμός it? Britain is not in a financial crisis. The economy has managed to cope with the ups and downs of the global crisis, the quantitative easing of the Bank of England rescued the business and jobs, the unemployment is limited. Undoubtedly structural problems still exist, however, in no case do not translate into a climate of widespread economic frustration, which could power a negative vote in favour of exit from the EU.
In fact the problem is a political one. The two major parties with the failures allowed in an alliance εθνολαϊκιστών to prevail in public debate and to determine the topics for the.
Trying to avoid a revolt in his own party, mr Cameron made the strategic mistake to adopt the request of the referendum. Considered that so it will θωρακιζόταν from the centrifuge fixtures pressure, and from that arose the populist and ευρωφοβικό UKIP on the right. The result today is that it sees a significant number of members, to support the campaign in favour of the output of which is led by the, coming from the party, Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.
But at the same time and in the Labour party, mr Corbin has prevailed in a mixed stand. Based, and coming, the new Labour leader in minority groups, marxists and τροτσκιστών was forced to adopt a “lukewarm” attitude and he’s too late to be placed in favor of staying in the European Union.
Worse still the advocates of the “Yes” they committed a serious tactical error. Adopting a narrative that υπερθεμάτιζε the risks and the negative consequences of a british exit chose to ignore the positive participation in the process of european integration. From the deepening of human rights, the imposition of uninterrupted peace until the Single Market the EU has to offer tangible examples of improving the life of european citizens. Besides, the only sure thing is that with the existing global distribution, what we can achieve together, he can’t achieve on his own, as if they want to overtake those who rely on the imperial past.
Today things are very serious. The latest polls show only a marginal superiority of the “Yes”. But what is not said is that the voters in favour of the Brexit show a much greater degree of unity and are much more likely to go to the polls en masse in relation to the rest of us.
If there is anything we can learn by observing what is happening. Britain and the Greek experience is that when you prevail over the demagoguery, the τακτικισμοί and the grey positions towards the honesty, of the national strategy and on the net solutions, then we are led with mathematical precision to dark results.