Statina Tsimchilis: If it’s not Mars Long the villain, let Anna Maria Velli come out and say it.

‘ The people and themselves are entitled to hear the name,” stresses the . Her personal judgment, about what Aris Makris said about his former companion, Anna Maria Velli, was shared by Statina Tsimchili on Wednesday morning (13.03.2024) with her television company on Happy Day and Alpha viewers. “It raises a great debate because I listened carefully to what he said and implied, and he said some things clearly Mars Makris. I mean initially that the world and Mars Makris himself are entitled to hear the name, either in one case to clear his own name or in the other to apologize to the authorities and answer for the case to take the way it should, it is his right and right and he asks. But you know what I’m surprised about? Apparently, it’s like he’s suggesting that they might actually have some tensions. Because, when you’re in a calm and harmonious relationship, where there may have been a fight but go ahead and exchange two words and two French, you can’t imagine that the other person can photograph you as an abuser,” the presenter of Alpha’s morning zone pointed out. “But to say that ‘if she means me, I am ready to face her’, it’s like saying that ‘we may have had some tensions but if she has called her abuse, I don’t remember it that way and I have another truth.” Here on this show we were first to say that Anna Maria owes Aris Makris, if he isn’t, to come out and say it’s not him. Just seeing how Mars was placed in detail I realized that she may feel that there are 2 – 3 events that she may have felt in her mind as signs of more intense delinquent behavior,” Statina Tsimchili added.