SPEECH of Alexis Tsipras in the 81st TIF – The Main Points of the speech of the prime minister

Parts of the speech of the prime minister…
Implied assumption that the taxation is high
We have achieved a compromise that leaves the door open for tomorrow.
And we stopped on the path to the cliff.
We stopped the economic and social absurdity.
This of course doesn’t mean that the weight that has accumulated all the previous years on the backs of society is not large and the limits of the finite.
I fully understand that the tax-paying capacity of the lower layers is depleted.
But today, for the first time since 2009, we can finally have a realistic road map for the recovery of the economy and the impairment of the burden.
A reduction in taxes in 2018
With the lowest-feasible surpluses and the substantial broadening of the tax base, will have two years of appropriate fiscal space, in order to substantially reduce the tax burden.
Firstly, indirect taxes which affect indiscriminately the rich and the poor, the haves and have-nots.
And secondly: To reduce the taxation of real estate, in order to divide more equitably the burdens.
Be replaced so the ENFIA from a fairer tax. In the first phase, however, μέςα in 2017, we are aiming at the extension of the exemptions in order to alleviate the most vulnerable layers.
I want, well, with a few words to talk directly to any employee, worker or freelancer, craftsman, or entrepreneur, who has already lifted on the backs of an unbearable tax burden.
There is a light at the end and is no longer visible.
We are towards the end of a difficult route.
We have a compass, we have a road map, we have a plan.
For television licenses
We practice our commitment : Applied to finally the law and for those who are usually on top of laws: Completed the tender procedure for the granting of television frequencies nationwide.
Conducted in a way which is completely transparent, impartial and beneficial in the public interest.
The 246 million going into the state coffers it is an additional income for financing the needs of the social state.
A revenue that the governments of the relationship all the previous years deprived the Greek people.
And if you consider that it’s been 27 years, you realize now we should have the third in the series competition.
Consider well how much they harm the public interest for the sake of the relationship relationship with owners of SMES.
We from the first moment we committed ourselves, and we did act :
For this and until the last euro, the 246 ec will give it there where they belong: to The Greek people.
Specific actions to support social needs.

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