Specific genes form the shape of the nose!

Scientists have discovered four genes that form the shape of the nose and specifically how wide and sharp it is…
The discovery of the gene DCHS2, RUNX2, GLI3, and PAX1, among other things, will help the forensic services, which create profiles of suspects, based on samples of genetic material.
The researchers, led by dr. Καουστούμπχ Αντικαρί of the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, and professor Andres Ruiz-Linares of the Department of Life sciences of University College London (UCL), who made the relevant publication in the journal “Nature Communications”, analyzed data for nearly 6,000 people.
The shape of the nose varies considerably from country to country and from person to person. This is due to the fact that the nose is important for the regulation of temperature and humidity of inhaled air, so vary morphologically depending on the geography and climate. Thus, the closer the nose of the Europeans reflects the coldest and driest environment in which they evolved.
Nearby is also a gene EDAR, which affects how sharp is the jaw of a person.

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