Savvas Anastasiadis: The Podium we will never forget

Savvas Anastasiadis
Mp.D. B Thessaloniki,
Vice-president of the Committee of the House of the Greek Hellenism of the Diaspora
“…They are not allowed to sacrifice historical truth in any feasibility, as…
unfortunately, it was to be done from the time when it was engraved the so-called Greek-Turkish friendship.
The misguided tactics of the suppression of the events of the Story was maybe one of the reasons that so bad a special pulitzer prize “friendship” with the Turks. To throw the veil of oblivion in the past, but to know, not to hide….” Dimitris Psathas in his book “The Land of the Sea,”1966
In this paragraph the journalist and writer Dimitris Psathas, who was born in Trabzon of Pontos in 1907 and has been a personal witness of the events of the Genocide, describes the need to preserve the Historical memory of such a tragic period for our nation , such as the Genocide of the Pontian and shield the historical truth through the values of peace, coexistence and solidarity of the peoples.
With the holocaust of Pontos, in the years of the great disaster of the Genus of the Greeks in the years of the asia minor catastrophe, when the ancient homelands were places of blood, sweat and tears and uprooted the native inhabitants, completed the tragic intersection in the History of the Greeks.
The Turkish Nationalists proceeded to the extermination of the christian population of Pontos and of Asia Minor, studied, with recruitment, the exile, the massacres , the violence, the arrests, the battalions of labour, the death marches, the mass deportations, rape etc.
After the murder of the men, their goal was the annihilation of women. Where they could not rape they did in their harems, or killed along with the fetus. They wanted to deprive the pontian greeks organic all the time.
A lot of women under the pressure of the rape and incarceration of their harems, were being forever in the dark, they lost their religious and national identity.
The Greek Parliament on 24 February 1994, acknowledged on the 19th of May as a day of remembrance of the Genocide Of 353 000 Greeks of Pontos ( 1916 – 23) against the oblivion and the concealment of the Story.
In the last few years, and the Party makes reference to the genocide of Greeks of Pontos and the Assyrians, in addition to the reference of the Armenian genocide.
Turkey denies until today the genocide of Pontian greeks, Armenians and Assyrians, and it attaches to their deaths in the extremes of war, pestilence and diseases. It has, I don’t, criminalize any reference in these genocides.
Even though he knows that if he doesn’t reconcile with the history of the past will not be able to build a peaceful future, both in her own country and with the neighboring peoples.
If you don’t respect human and religious rights within and outside its borders, he won’t be able to join the modern society.
The position of Turkey is enhanced, with the ahistorical and offensive positions of the Minister of Education, mr. Friend, that the methodical , vicious extermination of an entire people from the νεοτουρκικές and Κεμαλικές groups is not genocide!
The Turks have reasons to deny the genocide. The Greek Minister of Education is abuser and insulting the Greek History and the hundreds of thousands of dead , victims of the genocide.
Affects their offspring and the whole of the Greek people. At a time when national unity is needed as never before, with the positions of the divides Greek society.
Pontius will never forget! The words of a refugee and award-winning Nobel prize-winning Greek poet George Seferis << " Erasing a piece of the past, it is like turning off a piece of the future>>, will lead us up to the recognition of the Genocide of Pontic Hellenism from the international community and by Turkey itself.
Until we see the History of Pontic Hellenism in the books of the Greek History.
Up to open the curtain on the modern world in order to realize the drama and get to know, not to cultivate hatred between the peoples, but to prevent repetition, and to carve out the future.