Research shows that the mafia is…

Vito Corleone and Tony Soprano, although never met on film, however, share a lot in common…
According to Italian researchers, the doomed mobsters stand out from the rest of the criminals, as it is generally more sensitive, better parents and less selfish, while they can’t be classified as psychopathic personalities.
The researchers, headed by professor Adriano Σιμέντι, studied two groups of prisoners: one of 30 members of the sicilian Mafia and a second of 39 people condemned who were not members of the organisation. From the mobsters, seven had been sentenced for murder, 17 for the violent acts and the rest for other cases (drug trafficking, sexual exploitation, abduction, etc.)
The key finding was that, compared with the rest of the criminals, the mob is more able to separate feelings and thoughts in a negative side (that allows them to make the “business” of the Mafia) and a positive (which gives them the ability to live as a good and loving family).
All the prisoners who participated in the survey, underwent a specialized test that shows to what extent the personality has ψυχοπαθητικά and psychotic elements. When the “score” is 30 and over, then someone is considered a psychopath. None of the mobsters have not exceeded this limit, so technically cannot be considered a psychopath, a criminal, despite the multiple crimes (heinous in several cases).
The mob, according to the Athenian Agency, clearly had a greater interest in their families compared with non-mafia criminals, and had never stopped to write and call to their loved ones. In addition, as the Adriano Σιμερίνι, the members of the Mafia are less “μακιαβελικοί”, “narcissistic”, “insensitive”, “parasitic” or “impulsive”. Yet, rarely have a problem of dependence on drugs, alcohol or other substances.

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