Remember the butcher of Norway? He blames the State for inhumane conditions of detention…

The Norwegian authorities have rejected today the categories of right-wing extremist…
Anders Bering Breivik, who in 2011 killed 77 people –most of them teenagers– and today argues that the conditions of his detention violate human rights.
Breivik, who has been put under a lot of increased security measures and prohibited to visitors, has brought a case against the state for “inhuman” and “degrading” treatment contrary to the european Convention on Human Rights. The trial, which will take place between 15-18 March, for security reasons, in the gymnasium of the prison, Skien, southwest of Oslo, where she is being held today Breivik.
“The implemented measures (…) are in accordance, generally, with what is permitted” by the Convention, reported the office of the general prosecutor in a document addressed to justice and given today to the public.
According to the prosecutors, Breivik has at his disposal three cells: one for living, one where he can study and a third for exercise. It also has a tv, a computer (without internet access) and a console for video games. Can prepare his own meals and washes his clothes.
As you are not allowed to have contact with other prisoners –also for security reasons– conversing only with the guards and other employees in the institution.
“Are there any restrictions on contacts with the outside world and, of course, is very strict why this is necessary. However, it’s not completely closed off to other people,” he explained to the French Agency Marius Έμπερλαντ, the lawyer will be present at the trial representing the state. On the contrary, the public defender of Breivik, the Εϊστάιν Στόρβικ, said that his client submitted “in permanent solitary confinement for about five years” and suffering the “consequences” of this event.
The first two years of the Breivik visited only by his mother, which, however, has now died.
Breivik blames also the state that does not respect “private life (…) and the mail”, why censor his letters. The authorities, for their part argue that they control the mail because they want to stop him to arrange an “extremist network”.
On 27 July 2011, Breivik planted a bomb near the seat of government in Oslo. From the explosion were killed 8 people. A little later the same day, opened fire on members of the Labour youth on the island Ουτόγια and killed a total of other 69 people. He was sentenced to imprisonment 21 years of age, which however may be extended if the authorities deem that it remains a danger to society.

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