Racist delirium at the checkout! “Go back where you came from”

Shocked by the racist attack on a woman in a Latina who was paying for the stuff at checkout…
It all started when they were paying her boyfriend has added a few more shirts during the transaction. “If we ignore it, it’ll never stop. I had to upload it to facebook to expose racism in America,” wrote Renee Buckner.
The video starts with a woman at the checkout says “the line starts over there”. He is visibly upset, believing that they took in the series. “To go from where the hell you came from”.
A cashier tells her to watch her tongue, Latina not to notice her. “Just because you come from another country doesn’t make you some,” he continues undeterred. “The taxpayers may pay for all these things.” When the rest of the customers began to laugh at the expense of continued that “maybe all the food that they are getting to have to pay those”.
The video didn’t take long to become viral and has been viewed over 4 million times. Mall Jefferson Mall where there was the incident announced that it will work with JCPenney to identify the woman and to exclude it from all the Jefferson Mall.
Feeling is the fact that none of the other customers is not interfered in what he was saying while the other woman was trying to pay for her shopping.

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