Peter Couscous for Xena Kucheline: “Our professional relationship ended smoothly although at first there was bitterness”

“Our professional relationship ended smoothly although at first there was bitterness,” said he for his cooperation with MEGA. Speaking to MEGA, Peter Couscous referred to among others his collaboration with Xena Koucelin, saying features: “our personal relationship never ended, our professional relationship ended smoothly although there was bitterness at first. I appreciate it because it’s a man who’s generous and authentic. When we talk he will lovely embrace what we are preparing my new television roof.” For his new show “Open Affairs”, the well-known journalist said: “We start on 21 March at 11.30 hours. we will talk about some cases of interest to people. It is reasonable to be nervous when you start something new, let alone in a competitive zone like the evening.” For the letter Lignades Peter Couscous said: “If I am not mistaken he has been convicted of two rapes, he is out because his appeal had a suspensive character. It doesn’t even concern me, but it’s an inalienable right for anyone involved in a criminal process to express their dissatisfaction.” Regarding the case of Roula Pispirigu, Peter Kusculus said: “The defendant was unhappy with what Mr. Daskalakis testified on the first day of the trial for Malena and Iris. In this story all and all will be judged by their behavior and not only. Manos Daskalakis wishes the truth to shine and to justify the memory of the children who left life.” Finally, he stressed that “the collaboration with Natalia German and the editor-in-chief Vassilis Drymousis was “In the midst of the crazy joy”. “My participation in infotainment shows has been closed,” he said.