Speaking on the camera of the show “Mega Summer”, she referred to her age, her collaboration years ago with and at 57 years of marriage. The beloved actress who spoke on the panel of Eleonora Study, revealed that she would never work with Chrysoula Diapatis again and that she did not think about her age. Penelope Pitsouli said she worked 50 years and that she was married 57 years with her husband George. “In 3 years I will be 80 years old. My husband tells me my age doesn’t seem to me, years are only on ID. I don’t pay any attention to them, but… “Charlie” is shooting around. I’m not scared of time, I live with my wrinkles. I never saw my wrinkles, I didn’t understand her, I might be unconscious,” she said. Then she revealed the secret to keep a relationship. “I am 57 years married. George has patience to be with me. To keep a relationship you have to be friends, we’ll tell our secrets whatever that is. He knows how to retreat. Now that my husband is old, I call him my grandfather. My husband every night he comes to sleep making a fuss to wake me up and realize I’m alive.” As she revealed, she has accepted many marriage proposals, while her husband writes poems with dedication “to my only wife”. She also referred to her collaboration with Chrysoula Diapatis in “Erietta Zaimi Stables”. “When we worked together in the past, I heard her tell me things. I was listening. I had nothing to do with gossip. Then Alexander Rigas threw something away and I thought that yesterday we were talking about Chrysoula,” he said. “After some discussions we had, my role began to fall considerably. I realized that Chrysoula and Alexander were pizza all the time. I suspected that she was carrying words of her own as mine to Alexander Riga and he was angry at me. I never asked her for a reason, I can’t do that. I said I’d never play with her again to keep my head quiet and because I don’t trust her, but I admire her as an actor and I’ve forgotten it now. When we meet we embrace with sincerity and love, I appreciate it,” said the actress.
Penelope Pitsouli: The collaboration with Chrysoula Diapatis, marriage and “Charoulis”
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