“Measures here and now to stop the trade συστυχήματα”

The GSEE expresses the anger and indignation of the death of yet another colleague.
at work, this time in a quarry at Vathilako of Drama.
This is not the first time a worker loses his life in a quarry in the area, due to a lack of health and safety measures. The Greek general confederation of labour requires immediate intervention of the competent control mechanisms and accountability.
It is unacceptable to not exist in the area headquarters of the Labor Inspectorate and the APR to has the oversight of a vast geographical area, with the result that it is unable to do a lot of checks. It is necessary, to be taken here and now the necessary measures, and if cost to employers, so there are no others dead.
We express our sincere condolences to the family of the unfortunate colleague.

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