Marinakis: From the safe move Mr. Spirtzis for Tembis – “He knows he will have no criminal consequences”

The letter of the former Member and former Minister of Transport to the Speaker of the House requesting the activation of Article 86 of the Constitution par. 5 to investigate any responsibility for investigating the criminal investigation of the accident in Tembis was invited to comment by government representative Paul Marinakis. “Mr.Spirtzis knows that this process, given that the process applies to him because the change has been taking place since 2019 and will not lead to criminal consequences for him and does so on the safe side,” said Paul Marinakis. And he added: “It is not led to criminal prosecution even if the process is done so it does it out of safety.” This article states that ‘if, for any reason, including the limitation, the proceedings concerning prosecution against a person who is or has been a member of the Government or a State Secretary are not terminated, the House may, at the request of the same or his successors, set up a special committee in which senior judicial officers may participate to control the charge.