Lamia: Disabled driver was trapped in car that’s on fire

Saved him a περίοικος who ran to help when he realized that the driver could not get out…
Near tragedy this evening in Tucson, when there was a fire in a car, the driver of which is a person with mobility problems.
According to this report, the 42χρονος at 4:30 yesterday afternoon it was moving from Tucson to Λειανοκλάδι. A little before it reaches the Milk industry suddenly began to smoke coming from the hood of the car.
The driver pulled over to the side, but the smoke in a few minutes drowned the car and the engine was torched. The 42χρονος had opened the door to get out but couldn’t.
Then a περίοικος ran and απεγκλώβισε and then with the help of other passing drivers downloaded and the wheelchair where he was placed and carried in one of the nearby houses.
Firefighters arrived immediately at the spot and extinguished the fire, however, the engine of the Volvo burned to the ground.
The driver visibly shocked, could not believe the evil that happened to him on Christmas eve.

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