LA.E.: The combination of grassroots and αντιπροσφυγικής policy kills! No to detention centres and camps of misery

Their profits above human needs: Refugees living in tents, camps covered in snow or flooded by the waters of the rainy season, exposed to the freezing cold.
Homeless people who arrive at the point to claim a place in the prison to escape from the cold.
Sufferers coming from structures of mental health that have been dissolved and are in the way.
The elderly, young children, entire families unemployed or υπαμειβόμενων workers who are forced to live without heating.
With the entrance of winter, the wild face of the memoranda, the αντιπροσφυγικής/anti-immigration policy and the cruelty of a government that has oriented exclusively to the service of the lenders and the implementation of new burdensome social measures to ensure the fourth assessment, threaten, literally, the lives of tens of thousands of people belonging to vulnerable social categories.
With regard to the refugees rioting justifiable against the poor conditions of living, the minister of Migration Policy, C. Μουζάλας, proposes the creation of special detention centres for “delinquent” refugees and immigrants, in order to imprison those who even the courts let them out, thus bypassing any legal provision of the “rule of law”.
From the side of the Municipality of Athens depletes fish stocks “humanity” of the opening for the homeless some limited heated areas, to close in again a few days later.
Enough is enough! The alternative exists and is a major front of social solidarity and resistance to the policies of the government and the EU. To take our lives in our hands!
No to detention centres and camps of misery. Open accommodation structures, in the cities, with decent conditions.
Rights committee of LA.E.

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