On the issue of the origins of political persons, the member of SYRIZA’s KE returns, with his Facebook posting today Wednesday (3.4.24) with its recipient, without naming it. It is recalled that former adviser to the former Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, had left spikes against the congressional State of SYRIZA (without naming it) about her well-known posting for Mareva Grabovsky-Michotaki, for which the Prime Minister’s wife proceeded to sue and suit. Speaking of “the hatred of a woman”, he added that “we have been involved in the spectacle and will be eaten by the political dionysus of infuenserism”, while concluding that “the political criterion is unfortunately not inherited, but easily drawn.” In his new post, N. Karanikas, citing as an example the judgments of the courts against slanders against SYRIZA government officials, “if the following indentations are the work of opacity then justice will take place. We cannot replace political criticism with “If” and suspicions,” he stressed. In fact, he restores his earlier post, when he had pointed out that “the scandal removes the election political debate and turns into an election buzzard of impressions that awaits the confirmation of prosecutors rather than citizens who in the election should judge the political proposals for tomorrow of the election in relation to the period that passed – apart from the life of the officials accused of scandals and our dignity is compromised.” The post “As if not a day passed. To remember that when Syriza ruled we were accused of stealing the state and buying villas by saying that our aftereffects were opaque. We were brought to court and ended for the truth by condemning the slanders. If what you have in mind is the work of opacity, then justice will take place. We cannot replace political criticism with “Though” and suspicions”, wrote the member of Syriza PS.
Karanikas for Acryta: We cannot replace political criticism with ‘If’ and suspicions
in Political