Karamanlis and Samaras will be present at the Southwest conference but will not speak

Their decision to attend the anniversary conference of the ND, which will begin next Friday, but not to hold a speech, the two former Prime Ministers and . According to information, the President of the Organizing Committee of the Conference of Giannis Plakiotakis had yesterday a meeting with Mr. Samaras, to discuss his presence at the conference, where he was informed of his final decision, and he also met with Mr. Karamanlis, who also replied that he would not take the floor. Antonis partners Samaras state in newssit.gr that the former Prime Minister and President of the N.D. “has been publicly placed on all issues of news and has not changed his views.” It is recalled that the Conference of the ND will take place between 5 and 7 April at the Zappeion Palace.