Japan: Fukuyama Alert With Cat Dropped Into Toxic Tank And Missing · Global Voices

City residents in the west are in great turmoil as they have been alerted to stay away from one that fell into a pool of poisonous chemicals. This warning was given after a metalworking plant worker in Fukuyama in Japan identified yellow cat footprints leading away from the tank. The safety material was then examined and the cat seemed to run away. Officials in Fukuyama asked the public to stay away from the animal and call the police when they saw it. It is believed that the curious feline was found in a pot with weakened chromium, an extremely acidic and carcinogenic chemical that has orange and brown color. A staff member found the footprint marks when he arrived for work yesterday (12.03.2024) at the Nomura Plating Fukuyama factory, according to Asahi news site. The environmental group of the city of Fukuyama warned the public not to touch “a cat that seems unnatural”, however adding that the animal may have died as a result of the incident. The company to which the plant belongs stated that the tank had been covered with a cover but appears to have flipped over. According to the AFP news agency, a representative of the company said: “The incident awakened us to the need to take measures to prevent small animals, such as cats, from sneaking in, something we had never predicted before.” Weak chromium can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems and blindness and staff must wear masks and rubber gloves when working near the substance.