In the hospital of Chania builder by accident

Second accident in less than two 24-hour in Chania with a victim of a builder…
I don’t it’s been two days since the accident of the worker in the area of the Cam Kapi, and a second accident sent her to the hospital a man at the time of the μεροκάματου.
This is an approximately 45-year-old builder who last performed work on a construction site in Kalyves Apokoronou, when in accordance with information of one piece – probably wood – fell and injured him.
The unlucky worker was transferred and hospitalized at the hospital of Chania, bearing wounds on the face and mainly in the area of the jaw. Fortunately his life is not at risk, however, is a worthy reflection of the fact that it is the second accident within a short period of time something that we need to mobilize the mechanism and the competent authorities in order to check for compliance with the security measures and sanctions that are not really there.