In irreconcilable differences divorce Ιmpala – Chipita confirms the Nikas

In a mismatch of characters αποδίδετα the divorce between the Chipita, Spyros Theodoropoulos and Impala Invest,…
Dimitris Βιτζηλαίου, for the acquisition of Nica.
This decision was not a surprise since it was αναμενόμενηα since many have had a glimpse of the different philosophy of the two men and their staffs in discussions about the development plan of the αλλαντοβιομηχανίας, the reins of which has now only the side Theodoropoulos.
In detail, as announced yesterday afternoon, “The Chipita S.E. and the Impala Invest B. V. shall communicate their decision of non-continuation of the cooperation in the investment and financial restructuring of the E.C. NIKAS SA. In the context of this decision, the Chipita S.E. assumes full implementation of the investment and the restructuring plan of E. C. NIKAS SA. The joint decision was taken following the identification of the different strategic options for the future of NIKAS and was taken in a spirit of complete understanding, the relationship between the two companies to remain excellent. The Impala Invest B. V. continues its autonomous presence in the Greek market through its subsidiary, Sketchy Food.E.”.