How much time do you have to exercise to burn 250 calories?

It’s all relative according to me.
the theory of relativity.
The rule of 500: If you started a diet and want to lose weight
An initial goal for the average person trying to lose weight is to aim to burn an extra 250 calories each day through exercise. If you cut 250 calories from the diet will create a caloric deficit of 500 calories per day. This translates into minus 3,500 calories per week, which is the equivalent of the loss of half a kilo of fat and body weight a week. Of course, this rule does not take into account the reaction of the organism to the change in the way of calorie intake. It is a general rule for those who have extra pounds and yes, it applies only during the first months of dieting. So if you’re in the initial phase diet and just started the gym see how much time exercise you need to burn 250 calories per day.
See how much time you must exercise to burn 250 calories (i.e. a piece of toast with bread and turkey)
1 Jogging for 20 minutes.
2 Interval with alternating sprinting and walking for 20 minutes.
3 Brisk walking for 30 minutes.
4 Spinning for 30 minutes at a moderate pace.
5 Walking with a strong pace of 2 miles morning and 2 miles in the evening.
6 Power Yoga for 35 minutes.
7 Pilates for 35 minutes.
8 Tai Chi for 45 minutes.
9 Capoeira for 30 minutes.
10 Hit the punching bag for 30 minutes.
11 Running the stairs for 15 minutes.
12 Aerobic workout for 25 minutes
13 Dance for 40 minutes.
15 to Swim for 30 minutes.
16 Bike, static at 35 minutes, normal at 25 minutes (14-16 mph).
17 jump Rope for 30 minutes.
18 Climbing on an artificial wall for 30 minutes.
19 Do housework at home for an hour and a half (and take the corners, not only what he sees the mother-in-law).

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