H educator Immortality Κιφοκέρη writes: bullying is a scourge that is spreading

What separates bullying from the simple banter, the intensity, the duration and the recurrence of a situation…
and mainly the power imbalance between the parties involved.
In other words, the school bullying the child “perpetrator”, i.e. the child that intimidates, excels physically from the child who is bullied so the child “victim” or the child “target” (target). On the contrary, when, for example, two children of the same force have been “caught in the hands”, this incident can not be classified as bullying. Also, the student who is bullied is often younger and has not caused the student-perpetrator.
Most of the times children who are experiencing bullying do not tell anyone because:
Ø Ashamed.
Ø shame is an emotion that follows bullying as children often feel that everyone’s laughing at them
Ø Fear.
Ø The children consider it can’t be done something and are afraid that any manipulation would upset the child or children who bullied and things will get worse
Ø they Feel they are to blame.
Ø The thought of children is debt, and particularly in situations of violence. Consider that those to blame, that they caused this situation
Ø they Think that it will disappoint / offend their parents.
Ø All children seek the love and admiration of their parents. Consider that if they know their parents what is happening will be disappointed and will be upset.
For this parents should:
Ø To observe the behavior of their child. Any sudden and without apparent cause change in their behavior, in their mood, in appetite, in their sleep, in their opinion, for some people, school attendance, school performance, we need to pause for thought and discreetly to investigate what’s going on.
Ø If you realise that their child is experiencing bullying should, in the context of security and confidence to talk with their child about the experience and, generally, of the phenomenon of bullying
Ø To αποενοχοποιήσουν the child.
Ø Record the incident, giving information about where and when the incident occurred, who participated, what they observed, what form of intimidation was exercised, and describing exactly what happened.
Ø Maintain a log of incidents so that they can have easy access to it, and the rest of the interested members.
Ø Talk to the child who is bullied, and listen with attention and seriousness to what he has to say. Reassure the child that will respond directly to protect it and that you are available to provide any assistance. Say to the child, to keep it informed on any progress
Ø Discuss with the child’s parents, express your concerns and show that you are determined to take action.
Needs a comprehensive intervention program, which involved the whole school community and broader social institutions, in order to have effective prevention and treatment of the phenomenon.

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