Green current from Greece to Munich – The route of the large Green Aegean interconnection

In recent months the Greek government has been strongly promoting a new major energy project, that of electricity interconnection. Green Aegean’s high-voltage line will be mainly underwater, since it will start from the coast of Epirus, cross the Adriatic and eventually reach Slovenia. From there, Green Aegean will go north to Austria and eventually Germany to Munich. The project will be undertaken by IPTO, while the aim is for our country to be able to export from the mid-2030s any quantities of green energy it produces and does not need. As Germany and the markets of Central Europe are much larger than the Balkans, demand there is clearly higher, so the government considers that there is a prospect for the project. Of course, the length of the interface is very long, so it will be accompanied by significant costs. It remains to be seen what the relevant studies will show, but also the potential interest of market players abroad.