George Kopsidas: There were infidelities that I regretted and some not

“The living room is pushing me, I want my space. The ideal thing is to have two houses” confesses George Kopsidas spoke to Mega Good morning and Dimitris Sidiropoulos about what he had stated about the reiki and infidelity. “As a child I didn’t think I was beautiful when I looked in the mirror. I’m sorry I said I’m making broken reaky devices. I’m not a magician, I was a power conductor and the broken device was repaired. While I was an actor, I worked and placed photovoltaics,” George Kopsidas originally said. George Kopsidas then said: “I have rebelled. There were infidelities that I regretted and some not. The way I see sex has changed. Sex plays a great role in a relationship. There must be good sex and there must be satisfaction from both. When the couple stops having good sex, they can look for another.” George Kopsidas also said: “The roommate pressures me, I want my space. The ideal thing is to have two houses. It would be nice for the child to live in two houses, one of Mother’s and one of Father’s. Age plays no role in relationships. There are 20-year-olds with 40-year-old brains and vice versa.”