Gaza Strip: At $18.5 billion damage from Israel’s operations – 26 million tons of debris

The damaged approximately $18.5 billion in vital infrastructure due to the military operations launched by Israel, according to his report According to the UN report, the damage corresponds to 97% of Gaza’s combined West Bank and Strip GDP in 2022. The extent of the disaster translates to 26 million tons of debris and ruins, which will take many years to move away. The report describes in detail the destruction suffered by infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and the plight of civilians in the besieged Palestinian enclave, where health structures have collapsed, population starves and humanitarian aid is hampered. 72% of the damage relates to housing, while 19% concern services of general interest (such as hospitals, schools, the water network, etc.). More than a million people have been left homeless, three out of four Palestinians crowding the Gaza Strip are displaced, stressed in the report that warns that over 50% of the population are on the brink of famine. It also points out the ‘destructive, cumulative effects on mental and physical health’, saying that the worst blow is suffered by ‘women, children, elderly people and people with disabilities’.