Gambling: all of The signs of addiction problem – Rehab, and how to help one of your own

The last days of each year is traditionally associated with an increase in citizens ‘ participation in gambling and other activities associated with gambling….
But gambling can become a serious addiction problem and addiction for someone, many times without realizing it in time. The consequences in the life of a person addict to gambling can be devastating. This is why it is extremely important to know all those signs that indicate that someone has a gambling problem.
Below, you can see the relevant information and advice from the KETHEA (Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals) concerning the cases of individuals with symptoms of addiction to gambling.
Gambling: What are the signs that show that someone is an addict?
As with most mental illnesses, the signs of compulsive gambling are displayed when the behavior of the player affects the daily lives and relationships. Since compulsive gambling is not a physical disease, the symptoms of addiction is sometimes more difficult to detect.
Specifically, the player presents behaviors such as:
Intense preoccupation with gambling
Restlessness and irritability when attempting to discontinue or reduce gambling
Trend of borrowing money to cope with temporary financial problems
Repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, reduce or stop gambling
Long or unjustified periods of absence from home and work
Successive loans, overloaded credit cards, overdraft accounts and undue lack of money from the family income
Intensive study of the programs, predictions from TV, newspapers and radio
Isolation in order to think about ways in which you will play a game
Refusal to suggestions or reports of others for the way that deals with gambling
Reduction of efficiency in work
Discomfort, anger, and escalating tension if something prevent him to play
Happy mood, inflated ego, relief in case of profit
Gambling: How can I help someone who has a problem?
In most cases, the narrow environment, he realizes, much earlier than the same child that there is a problem. You can contact specialized services, in order to get advice on how to handle the addicts from gambling.
A first step is to stop to help the child to resolve the financial problems caused by gambling, by you lending the money, as well as to set specific rules and limits.
Discuss with him the impact of gambling in the family, to his friends and in his own life, by showing understanding, and stating willing to support him in his quest to get sober.
The participation of related persons in the treatment for the rehab is very important. In this context, apart from the therapeutic interventions that include individual and group counseling for the child, therapy family or couple with a view to the restoration of family relations, in compliance with the privacy and anonymity.
In any case, the environment of the child should be aware that the treatment of dependence on gambling is multi-layered and long-term.
Gambling: How is the rehab?
The independence from the gambling requires a great deal of self-discipline and motivation from the side of the child. There are various methods of supporting people who are addicted to gambling. For all treatments, a necessary condition is the same person to admit he has a problem. The next step is to turn in approved and specialised services which provide treatment, supporting at the same time the people in the immediate environment of their child.
At KETHEA ALPHA, the program of KETHEA for the gambling, is formed a personalized treatment plan depending on the needs of the member and the grounds be cut off from his environment and his activities. In particular, the psychological treatment that is offered includes:
Individual counseling-support
Recording, treatment and understanding of the journey that has lead to the problematic involvement with gambling
Strategy and methods for the reduction of the involvement with gambling
Development of incentives for abstinence
Education to address high risk situations
Learning methods of problem solving and managing interpersonal relationships
Groups of anonymous αυτοθεραπευόμενων gamblers
Therapy family therapy couple
The program is staffed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, family therapists.

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