Found a cure for stroke?

According to scientists, today there are more reasonable…
therapeutic options for the treatment of strokes than before. Attention, in their opinion, should be given to the reorganisation of the innovations used by the old combined with newer.
Particular attention to this gave the scientists at the conference of the European Academy of Neurology, who was not long ago in Copenhagen, where it analyzed exactly how should we make this reorganization successful, and what guidelines should be given to the experts for the use of procedures from thrombectomy up to the structures as well as the extension of the units of care of patients with stroke. In fact, as pointed out, many times, these small organizational changes that make a big difference for the patient.
As mentioned by the Vice-president of the European Academy of Neurology and a professor at the University Clinic in Graz, Austria Dr. Franz Fazekas, “the only way to do the experts make full use of the possibilities of these new options is to adapt all the structures of the processes of care of patients with stroke.
The reorganisation should cover the whole chain of care, from the transfer with the ambulance to the clearly defined use of θρομβεκτομής”.
Thrombectomy: New guidelines for the implementation and organisation of care
According to the results of the study in which took part 9.500 patients with stroke, and were presented at the conference, it was found to a large extent the effectiveness of the θρομβεκτομής, i.e. the mechanical removal of blood clots after a stroke. This process leads to good results, especially in patients with large blood clots and large occlusion of a cerebral artery. More than 60% of the patients surviving from a stroke, thanks to this process without or with only minor impairments.
In the recommendations of their doctors suggested the conditions under which it will be used in the method and for which types of patients and defined the ideal window of time and specify when it should be combined intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy.
This is currently in progress, as the professor, the procedures for the international recommendations for the care of patients with stroke performed with the collaboration of: European Academy of Neurology (EAN), the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EuSEM), the European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT), the European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR) and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO).
“We hope that healthcare managers across Europe to welcome these guidelines, to accept and to apply them in specialized centers in order to prevent serious damage after strokes and to save many lives,” said the professor and added: “don’t forget that each time referring to 600,000 strokes in the whole of Europe, and, unfortunately, this number seems to be rising.”
The specialized centres for monitoring and recovery of patients reduce the risk of mortality after a stroke, notes the professor.
What diagnostic procedure yield the greatest benefit?
Two studies carried out by Danish scientists in 444 patients with stroke show that the examination of MRI provides substantial assistance to the attending physicians, helping them take the right decision about treatment. This examination to determine a stroke takes an average of 7.5 minutes longer than a ct scan, however, commenting on the findings of the study, professor Fazekas said that the supreme authority is to minimize the time between the arrival of the patient to the hospital and initiation of thrombolysis.
In this it agrees and an Italian study, which showed the importance of minimizing the time to troubleshoot the incident through this reorganization and the direct use of thrombolysis.