E.E.K.Crete: “a Temporary Order, for a pissant drug dealer fruit and vegetable products and a full rescue of the estate of”

The Magistrate’s court of Heraklion , with the d.o.16/10/2015 Temporary Order , ordered a full protection of property and regulation of debt μικροεμπόρου of fruit and vegetables…
(a traveling salesman), compared with a single lending bank, but with four contracts ,with a total amount of debt ,in this, the amount 95.708,76 euro.
On the merits of the case and in accordance with the notice of the Union for the Protection of Consumers of Crete, such a borrowing, he did not hesitate to file an application for inclusion of favorable provisions of law.Katseli, having found that he had fallen into weakness , for the fulfilment of overdue debts (due to the economic recession) it is borrowing έγαμο mother of three minor children ,with husband unemployed.
Income the same features: not more than 620 euros per month
Assets that have the same features: (a)a detached house ,υψιλή ownership (b)a plot of land with a total area of 741,75 sq.μυψιλή ownership by a percentage equal to 15,20% (c)warehouse (d) plots of high title, with olives
In particular the Magistrate’s court of Heraklion , having studied the dossier of the case ,the documents submitted by the proxies, a lawyer of the applicant, in conjunction with what exposed orally the plenipotentiaries Attorneys of the parties ,adopted the date 16/10/2015 ,a Temporary Order, which states:
(a)Accept the application for the grant of an interim injunction.
(b)Ordering, (a) the suspension of the pursuit measures against the movable and immovable property and (b) maintaining unchanged the actual and legal situation of the property , movable and immovable
(c)Appoint ,to the satisfaction of the Bank, (a) the payment of a monthly dose ,50 euro,διανεμομένη συμμέτρως on 4 debts of the applicant,up to the year 2018 and (b) from the year 2018 until the version οριιστικής decision of a total amount of 50 euros, on two contracts for a mortgage loan,which are secured privileged with collateral (mortgage ) on the property that serves as the primary residence of the applicant and of which she is requesting an exception from the divestment, in art. 5, par.2 and 9, para.2.3869/2010
For update and inclusion in the law Katselis, each overdrawn ,you may contact the Association, tel.2821092306, 2821092666 and 2842020140
The Chairman of the Union of Consumer Protection Crete
Joan Μελάκη